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Teatseal Trailer

Healthy Hoof

Are you having lameness issues? We have two trained providers of the DairyNZ Healthy Hoof programme, a programme which involves diagnosing causes of lameness on farms and putting in place strategies to reduce these risk factors. Causes are often multi-factorial, but usually include the use of gates during milking, feed-off pads, entranceways, and farm tracks. 

The programme also includes sessions such as a “Lameness Prevention Workshop” where farm staff are taught about causes of lameness, and a farm specific plan is put in place to target risk factors on your farm. We have had tremendous success with these courses in the past, with improvements not just in lameness but also cow flow and milking speed. It is also a great course to do at the start of a season (especially with lots of new staff members) so that yarding procedures can be standardised to ensure a smooth milking throughout the year. 

Contact either Ryan Luckman (Waimate) or Luke Smyth (Oamaru) for further information.


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